Profile for Herby
Name | Herby |
Email Address | n/a |
Posts | 35 |
- 2014-03-13 22:12:26
- Re: Internal server error while creating a payment or viewing contact
- Forum » Support
can you please retry, it should work now
- 2014-03-12 21:57:31
- Re: Internal server error while creating a payment or viewing contact
- Forum » Support
I think i have found the error now, it seems one of your contacts has a profile image which breaks image resizing due to some invalid exif data.. i'll hope to get it fixed soon.
- 2014-03-12 07:39:25
- Re: Internal server error while creating a payment or viewing contact
- Forum » Support
sorry for the late answer - what kind of errors do you see when viewing contacts? do you mean on your phone, or on the website?
if you see the errors on the website, could you tell me the full URL, i haven't been able to find matching error messages yet.
- 2014-02-19 08:19:06
- Re: sync error
- Forum » Tabsplit Android App
sorry for the inconvenience. can you please try again? it seems we recently introduced a bug which prevented syncing of new joint payments, but i've just fixed it and it should work now.
- 2013-08-26 09:58:09
- Re: Split the bill unequally
- Forum » Feature Requests
thanks for your feedback.
you mean splitting one item on an itemized bill unequally between people, right?
we have thought of splitting it by share.. by default all participants have one share, so for example an item with two people: it is split 50%:50%, if you add an additional share to one person it would split 33.3%:66.6% (1:2) like if you have 3 beers split for two people, but one friend should only pay one.. is this what you mean?
- 2013-02-19 09:55:20
- Re: Search capabality
- Forum » Feature Requests
thanks for your suggestion - i was wondering what is the most common use case, do you think it would be enough for now to search in the transaction description, or do you need additional parameters (like searching for items in a tab, participating friends, maybe currency or filtering for a debt-amount?)
- 2012-11-22 10:33:59
- Re: Unable to make a tab (itemized bill)
- Forum » Support
we will probably recreate the dialog for tabs completely, but it will probably take a few weeks. stay tuned..
in the meantime maybe you could try creating a trivial itemized bill and send me a screenshot of which page is just reloading and not saved, maybe a can understand the problem better.. (the error handling of the current form is terrible, we'll do better soon :/ )
- 2012-11-20 09:27:15
- Re: Nudge or payment reminder
- Forum » Feature Requests
hmm, i think it would be bit awkward to allow automatic periodic "reminders" (except your friend who you want to remind opts into getting these periodic reminders) .. but i think a manual reminder which can be sent e.g. once a month would be feasible, do you think this is enough?
do you think the opposite would also be good to have: an option to send a periodic update to yourself with a list of all your debts? i'm not sure if anyone would use that one
thanks for your feedback
- 2012-10-07 09:38:54
- Re: Export capability
- Forum » Feature Requests
we have considered releasing the source code so everyone could run a "private" version of tabsplit within their group of friends, but considered it a bit problematic since we have no distributed debt-sharing protocolso it made more sense to have one central repository..
but i understand your desire to export everything - this is why we made the API public which is used by the mobile application: it is still a bit experimental since no external developer has ever really used it, but you should be able to use it to export everything of your account (or write a program which allows everyone to export his data). unfortunately we didn't yet implement such a export program, but it should be quite easy to do (if you install the android app for TabSplit you basically have all exported data on your mobile phone - except the tab-photos which are only loaded on demand, so it's certainly possible).
if you want to look at an implementation for downloading the data you could take a look at the ios app - which we have released the source code of: but if you haven't worked with objective c before, just taking a look at the api documentation is probably way easier since it's a really simple API
- 2012-08-29 14:35:31
- Re: Euros not appearing my currency list
- Forum » Support
there was a problem with how non-favorite currencies have been fetched, i fixed that now.. but i'm not sure if that was the problem you encountered, because i think you've added EUR and CHF as favorite currencies?
maybe you could take another look if you see the currencies now.