Adding Comments and additional Images/Photos to Transactions

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It is now possible to add additional photos (e.g. of receipts) or comments to transactions. Previously the only way to add a receipt was by creating a Tab (itemized bill) – but now you can simply create a payment, or joint payment and later attach a photo, file or comment afterwards. Currently this is only… Read more »

Directly upload your Profile Picture and other minor Improvements

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You can now directly upload your Profile Picture to TabSplit instead of using gravatar. This should make avatars much more easy to use. So go and upload your favorite profile picture. ;-) We have also cleaned up the Account Preferences, moved password change form into it’s own page, etc. Hope you like those changes.

TabSplit now uses HTTPS encryption for all pages

Posted by & filed under Android App, TabSplit News.

TabSplit now uses SSL encryption for all pages and is from now on only available at Because of this switch you might need to reauthenticate TabSplit with your Open ID provider. We have also just published a new Android App Version (1.5.6) which uses https encryption and can be downloaded from the Google Play… Read more »