Board » Support » How to change currency on the home page (EUR and USD only available)


How will I change/add the currency I use (not EUR nor USD) to be displayed on a chart in the home page?
When I add a transaction in EUR, bars appear. But other current not.
you are right, currently only EUR and USD are displayed - i will change that to include the "favorite currencies" which are configurable in the preferences ( i hope to get it online in the next few days

thanks for the feedback!
This answers the question. (Voted by 2 users including the author of the question.)
it took a bit longer than promised, but i just deployed that feature - in the dashboard you can now see your favorite currencies (as configured in your account preferences). I have also enabled 'stacking' by default.. and enabled the chart editor (although if you make changes to the chart they aren't persisted yet, i guess i want to play around with the possibilities before enabling that..)
Great! It helps me much.

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